Latest de l’Ecole 10/12/2020

Dear Families of L’Ecole Française du Maine,
Our school community’s health relies on each family to do their part in maintaining a safe school environment. In line with our community pledge and daily self-checklist, we once more remind you to monitor your child’s daily wellness and keep them home when displaying any sickness symptoms. Although per the state-sanctioned checklist, runny noses must be coupled with another mild symptom to necessitate no-school, a reminder that many seasonal colds begin with just a runny nose. Especially for our younger classrooms, mask-wearing while having a runny nose can be a very messy affair that often does not result in a spread of germs throughout the class. Please exercise caution, and keep in mind that a few days of inconvenience keeping a child at home may save an entire classroom a case of the sniffles. We have resources below for assisting in a plan to receive your family’s annual flu shots if you have not done so already.
This week we’ve had a percentage of students stay home with mild symptoms of a seasonal cold. To keep our community at large informed, there remain no positive cases of COVID-19 at L’Ecole, with the majority of absent students/staff receiving doctor recommended testing to ensure caution, only returning to school upon receiving negative results.
Here are the most recent protocols from the Maine DHHS:
A child or staff with symptoms should consult with their medical provider to determine if they require testing for COVID-19. If the medical provider determines that a child or staff does not need COVID testing, then they can return to the program when they have been symptom-free for 24 hours, with no fever-reducing medication. If they do need testing, they need to follow the medical provider’s guidance and wait for the results of any testing and be symptom-free for 24 hours with no fever-reducing medication.
As always, if you have any questions regarding any of the following included in this newsletter, please email Emily at