Dear Families and Friends of L’Ecole Française du Maine,
Each year at this time, we reach out to ask for support through our Annual Appeal. COVID-19 has brought great hardship, and the School extends heartfelt well-wishes to all who have suffered as a result. Thanksgiving is coming soon and reminds us we must remain grateful for so much, even in the face of these unprecedented challenges.
We are thankful for the children and the positive energy they continually display since returning to in-person classes. Their enthusiasm and joy solidify our commitment to our mission. We are grateful for our devoted teachers and support staff. These talented educators go above and beyond expectations to keep our students safe while fulfilling their desire to learn amongst friends. We appreciate the skilled workers who shared their talent to improve our facilities to provide the safest possible conditions on our campus. Completed projects include creating an outdoor classroom and hand-washing station for safe outdoor learning, completing our additional classroom project to provide extra space, and adapting our classrooms to the COVID-19 protocols. We are forever indebted to our supportive families who have been so overwhelmingly understanding and cooperative throughout and who have joined us in our adherence to procedures that allow us to continue educating the children in-person each day.
Recently, our school community gathered for our annual Halloween costume parade through the village. Although this tradition looked a little different this year, we were delighted to share this moment, albeit with masks of another sort. We recognize this may have been the only opportunity for the children to partake in this kid-loved celebration this year.
As we reflect on all we are thankful for in anticipation of Thanksgiving, we hope you will count L’Ecole Française amongst your thanks. Each year we ask our friends to consider contributing to our Annual Appeal. Your contribution can support the mission of the School in many ways, like direct program support, building and facility improvements, or to provide financial aid to students in need of assistance.
Many things make L’Ecole Française du Maine unique. For the time they are with us, our students are living the French language. Whether they are immersed in a lesson activity or engaged in play, the French language surrounds them, and it becomes entirely natural for them to hear, speak, write, and read French. L’Ecole Française du Maine exposes the children to a wide variety of enrichment experiences. Music fills the School daily through our Suzuki music program, and we integrate art across the curriculum.
We look to our Alums for affirmation that we are on the right path. Whether our graduates are attending their community’s public middle and high schools or other private institutions or gone on to college, we have consistently seen that our students are successful, have a unique perspective, and open minds. The curiosity towards other cultures and languages instilled at a young age will forever be a part of their life experience. We believe they will be better world citizens as a result of their immersion education.
Your gift of any amount will support the School’s work and make a difference. Your contribution can help enhance the programming and facilities and open doors of opportunity to a student in need. As always, your donations are fully tax-deductible and much appreciated.
On behalf of L’Ecole Française du Maine – Merci Beaucoup!