Latest de l’Ecole 01/07/21

Welcome back! Although sad to have missed the lovely dump of snow left on the playground before the winter break, we are so glad to see our friends again and to be back to a routine.  After our online survey result of 100% compliance with the travel protocols for the break, we are so grateful to all of our families for disclosing their plans to stay home this year, and for those who did gather or travel, for providing the details of their quarantining and testing. As we move into the coming months, we are preparing to tighten our COVID protocols as needed to ensure we are maintaining a safe community.
To avoid the need for outside childcare during February Vacation, we have decided to host a small vacation camp for those families who replied to our recent survey that childcare would be a necessity that week.
As always, please reach out to Emily in the office with any questions: