Jennifer Priouzeau

Willy LeBihan

Jennifer Priouzeau was born in La Rochelle in southwest France and grew up on the Ré island, famous for its oyster beds, bike trails, and endless beaches. Jennifer became a certified fitness instructor and helped various age groups improve their lives through nutrition and exercise for several years. As a result, she got much satisfaction improving how adults felt about themselves and became interested in early childhood physical education. So, Jennifer rapidly obtained the national Teacher Assitant certification in the French Ministry’s Preschool Maternelle (CAP Early Childhood – ASTEM).  After spending a year in Nicaragua with her family, she became an Assistant Preschool Teacher at the French International Leadership Academy in Lake Oswego, Portland, Oregon, inspired by the world-renowned Early Childhood program of “Les écoles maternelles” of France. Jennifer is athletic, patient, and adaptable. She enjoys hiking, fitness, biking and loves good pastries and playing board games with her children. She is delighted to join a dynamic school and live a new experience in a country she has learned to love!